Why use 2FA (Two-Factor authentication)?
Many websites have only one layer of protection: a username and password. 2FA protects you by providing an additional layer of security. With 2FA, if your password is ever compromised, you will only be able to gain access to a site if you have 2FA setup on your mobile device. Hence, the need for two-factor authentication.
Please note there are two steps to setting up two-factor authentication: downloading the Twilio Authy app to your mobile device and enabling two-factor authentication in officiating.com.
How to get the Twilio Authy app on your cell phone
Search for and download "Twilio Authy" in your phone's App Store. Look for the logo shown here:
To download on iOS, click on this url: https://apps.apple.com/app/authy/id494168017
To download on Android, click on this url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.authy.authy&hl=en&pli=1
After having downloaded the Authy app onto your cell phone, this screen will populate:
Before you proceed, you will need to login to officiating.com on your desktop and enable 2FA (Two-Factor authentication).
How to enable 2FA on your desktop
Once you have logged into officiating.com click on your profile photo as identified in the green box in the image below:
Next, scroll down and click on “Your Profile.”
Then, scroll down and click on “enable.”
From there, a new screen will open on your desktop. Scan the QR code with your phone. A screen, similar to the one below, will populate on your phone. In this screen, click on the "Save" tab. Note: Do not delete the Twilio Authy app, or the BlueZebra account from your mobile device as you will need to use these to gain access to your officiating.com account as long as you have an active BlueZebra profile.
Your cell phone will then present with the following screen which will show a 6-digit BlueZebra token.
You will type this 6-digit BlueZebra token (without spaces) into the open page on your desktop and then click on “Verify One-Time Password."
After you have clicked on “Verify One-Time Password,” you will be shown the following image on your desktop, which means you have successfully 2FA.