Officials and School Users: How to remove the BlueZebra account from Twilio Authy and then re-add it

Once you have logged in to the app, you will need to delete the existing BlueZebra account. To do so, click on the gear icon (or 3 dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen as outlined in the green box in the image below.

Gear box.png

On the next screen, click on the Accounts icon (which may be located at the bottom-center of your screen) as outlined in the green box below.


From there, you will be shown Authenticator Accounts. Click on the BlueZebra account and drag it to the left to delete it.

Authenticator account.png

Next, click on the red plus sign in the right-hand corner of the screen so that you can add BlueZebra as an account.

You will then be presented with a screen asking you to scan a QR code. Hold tight with your phone for a moment as you will need to turn your attention to your desktop to re-enable 2FA in

Login to and click on your profile photo as identified in the green box in the image below:

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 11.15.12 AM.png

 Next, scroll down and click on “Your Profile.”

Your profile.png

Then, scroll down and click on “enable.”

Enable 2FA.png

Take your cell phone and scan the QR code on your desktop. Once you scan the QR code with your cell phone, the Twilio Authy app will prompt you to save BlueZebra as an account. Click "Save." 

Account nickname with green arrow.png

A 6-digit BlueZebra token will then populate on your phone. Type these six numbers (without spaces) into this section on your desktop.

Confirm 6 digit code with green arrows.png

After you have clicked on "Verify One-Time Password”, you will be shown the following image which means you have successfully 2FA.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 3.26.12 PM.png

Click here to view Authy FAQs.

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