Coordinators: Instructions on how to release officiating assignments to schools

At the top of this toolbar, go to Games and click on "Release Games."

Release Games.png

On the next page, under the Schools section, locate the appropriate conference and click on the blue "Change Settings" tab.

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On the next page, you will click on the red "No" box. In doing this, the box will then move to the left and turn green with the word "Yes."

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 11.31.18 AM.png

You will then be given the option to show assigned officials to schools (1) through a specific date, (2) a number of days in advance of the game, or (3) for the entire season. Select your preference and then click the blue "Save changes" tab in the lower right corner.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 11.33.15 AM.png

Your selection has been accepted when the text has turned green as outlined below.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 11.38.14 AM.png

School users will now be shown their officiating assignments, per your settings, when they login to their account.



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