Coordinators - How to Edit Game details in the updated BlueZebra UI (User Interface)

To edit games and address assignment conflicts, click on "Game Listing:"

Game listing.png

By default, the date range will display the current date in the "From" field and seven days from the current date in the "To" field. 

From and To fields.png

To change these dates, hover over the "From" field and drag your mouse to highlight the appropriate range of dates you would like to view:

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 12.31.25 PM.png

You are now able to select applicable filters for this date range:


After having set your search parameters, the games will populate. When you locate the game needing edits, click on the 3 vertical dots (as outlined in the red box below) and click on "Edit game."

Edit game.png

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