Coordinators: How to Create Games in the updated BlueZebra UI (User Interface)

The following instructions will walk you through creating games in the new user interface (UI). 

Getting started

From the dashboard, click on "Games" and then click on "Game Listing."

Game listing.png

Create a new game by clicking on "Create game."

Create game.png

On the next page you will be presented with this view. Each box on this screen is designed so you can click on the box and edit the data within the field.

Home page.png

Adding a visiting team

To add the visiting team, click "TBD."

Visiting team.png

In the pop-up window, you have the option to:

  • scroll through a list of pre-populated schools;
  • type the name of the school in the search box and the school will auto-populate;
  • click on "Write-in or TBD"

Once you have selected the visiting school, you must click on the purple "Update school" tab for the visiting team to be saved. Follow these steps to assign the home school as well.

Update visiting team.png

Update game location

By default, the location will set to the home team's location. To update the game location, click on location.


You will have the option to

  • scroll through a list of pre-populated "Home locations";
  • select "Other Locations";
  • "Add a Location"

Update game location.png

If a location needs to be added, click on the "Add Location" tab and then enter the "Location name" and "Address." It is optional to select the "Associated school." Once you have completed these fields, click on the "Add Location" box. 

Add location.png

To assign the location you just created to the game you are actively creating, you will now need to click on the "Other Locations" tab and select the location you had just entered. Then click on the "Update school" tab. 

Update school tab.png

Identifying financial responsibility

By default, the financial responsibility will be that of the home team. To assign financial responsibility to a school other than the home team, click on the "Financial responsibility" tab.

Financial responsibility.png

The next screen will provide two options: "Select School" or "Write-in or TBD."

Update game financial responsibility.png

  • The "Select School" tab will auto-populate schools that are currently on your site.
  • The "Write-in or TBD" tab allows you to write-in the school or select TBD as the school. 

Once you have made your selection, you will need to click the "Update school" tab for the information to be saved.

Update school tab.png

Host school and Conference

By default, the "Host school" will identify the home team as the host after you click the "Create game" button. If a school other than the home team needs to be listed, click on the gray arrow and select the appropriate school.

By default, the "Conference" will identify the conference to that of the home team. If you need to identify a difference conference, click on the gray arrow and select the appropriate conference.

Host school and conference.png

Date and time

Select the game date by hovering over the date, or manually entering the date in MM/DD/YEAR format.

New Calendar.png

Select the start time by hovering over the time and making the selection by the dropdown choices, or manually enter the start time.

Time Picker.png

Game type

You must select a game type for each game. To make your selection, hover over this field and click the appropriate game type.

Game type.png

Game positions

In this example you will see all available game positions are enabled.

Game positions.png

To disable a position, you must toggle the tab in the "Enabled" section and then choose the appropriate reason in the box adjacent to the position.

Game position enabled.png


This section is reserved to communicate game notes to officials and administrators.


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