To assign officials click on the "Assign officials" tab at the top of the screen.
A. Use the search box to type in official's name
B. Filter by conference
C. Filter by last name, number of games, or distance
D. Click the "X" to remove this filter
E. Drag and drop the official's name to the officiating position on the left-hand side of the screen, or click on "Assign" and select the officiating position in the pop-up.
F. Click the arrow to see all available officials
G. Click the arrow to see all officials with conflicts for this game
Once you have finalized your edits, you must scroll to the top of your screen and click on the "Save assignments" tab for your edits to be saved. If you do not click the "Save assignments" tab, none of the edits will save.
Assign staff
To assign staff, follow the above instructions for assigning officials.
Contact the BlueZebra help desk with any questions.