Officials: Add or edit Form W-9

Step 1:

To add or edit your Form W-9 click "Pay" from the side menu.

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 12.28.15 PM.png

Step 2:

One of two images will present on the next screen. If presented with the image below, you will click "Edit Your W9" to edit your Form W-9.

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 12.36.25 PM.png

If presented wiith the image below, you will click the blue, "Submit Your W9" tab to submit your Form W-9.

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 1.19.09 PM.png

Step 3:

Complete this section in its entirety. Please note the selection at the bottom of this screen where you can opt-in to receive 1099 statements electronically. 

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 12.46.59 PM.png

For conferences/schools using BlueZebra to process payments, your 1099s will be available for download on the website late-January. You will receive notification when your 1099(s) is available to download.

For conferences and schools who do not use BlueZebra to process payments, you will receive a 1099(s) directly from the conference(s) or school(s).

If you need assistance in completing this form, please refer to the IRS Form 1099 instructions.

Step 4:

After completing the form you will need to type your full name in the open box and then click "Submit my W9."

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 12.53.07 PM.png

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