How to re-enable 2FA on your desktop
Once you have logged into click on the "My Profile" tab and then click on "Contact Info":
Next, click on "Edit My Profile":
Then, scroll down and click on “enable”:
From there, a new screen will open on your desktop. Scan the QR code with your phone. A screen, similar to the one below, will populate on your phone. In this screen, click on the "Save" tab.
Your cell phone will then present with the following screen which will show a 6-digit BlueZebra token.
You will type this 6-digit BlueZebra token (without spaces) into the open page on your desktop and then click on “Verify One-Time Password.”
After you have clicked on “Verify One-Time Password,” you will be shown the following image on your desktop, which means you have successfully 2FA.
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