Authy FAQs

What is Authy?

Authy is a free authentication app used to provide an extra layer of security to your online data to make it difficult for someone other than you to get into your online accounts.


What is 2FA (two-factor authentication) and how does it work?

With 2FA enabled on an online account, you login as usual with your username and password. That's factor one. Then, the site asks you for a security code. That's factor two. This code may come in a text message, in an email, or as a software token retrieved from a two-factor authentication app.


Why must I 2FA?

BlueZebra wants you to rest assured knowing your personal information (including your banking and W-9 information) is doubly secured. Securing your online accounts with 2FA is recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and many other security experts, and using an authentication app on your smartphone is the most accessible way to do so.


What is the preferred method to 2FA with Authy?

While Authy offers three methods to authenticate (SMS text, phone call, token), we strongly encourage you to authenticate via a one time password which is referred to as a token. This type of out-of-band communication greatly increases the security of the authentication process. 


Can I delete the Twilio Authy app after I download it?

No. Do not delete the Twilio Authy app from your mobile device as you will need to use it to gain access to your account. 


Do I need to save the BlueZebra account within the Authy app?

Yes. You will need to save the BlueZebra account within the Authy app as you will need to access it whenever you are tasked to authenticate your BlueZebra account within the Authy app.


When will I need to authenticate my account?

If it has been longer than 30 days since you have last accessed your account, you will need to 2FA through Authy. 

If you login to from a new device you will need to authenticate your account.


I've authenticated my desktop computer, but am trying to logon to on my tablet and am unable to do so, why?

You must authenticate (authorize) each device you use to access In this example, you will login to on your tablet. When you're asked for the 6-digit code to enter into box 4 of the screen on your tablet you will need to open the Authy app on your cell phone, and click on the BlueZebra account within the Authy app. After clicking on the BlueZebra account your phone will display a 6-digit code/token. You will type that string of numbers (without any spaces) into box 4 on your tablet.


How do I find more information about Authy?

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