Officials: How to closeout dates

After having logged in to your BlueZebra account, click on "Calendar."

Clouseout dates 1.png

Then click the name of the month in which you want to close dates.  

Closeout dates 2.png 

To close a particular date, click inside the box next to the word "Closed." The box will turn blue and will include a white checkmark inside of it showing the date has been closed out. Please note: all closed dates must have an explanation in the notes section.

Closeout dates 3.png

Once you have completed closing dates for that particular month, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the blue "Save Changes" tab.

Clouseout dates 4.png

Complete this process with each month as needed.

** Please note it is the official's responsibility to fill out and maintain their closed date calendar.

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